Monday, August 10, 2009

cooking class /クッキングクラス

I have been so busy and am tired, so it has been hard to keep it up with my blog...
Today I had a really nice cooking class with Patricio. He gave us cooking with Natto!
Very interesting! His cooking is just fantastic. full of inspiration! I think some of his natto dish maybe will satisfy some of my friends who doesn't care about Natto. We'll see...


  1. さちんこ〜、がんばってる〜?この写真の人このあいだ早苗さんのところで会ったよ〜!!

  2. パトリシオ先生です。今回、彼からいろんなことを教わりました。素晴らしい先生です。特に、料理の細やかな手ほどきとか、目から鱗でした。今は、日本で活躍されています。
